Let the city know you want answers

Published 8:39 am Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Well, this may be my last letter regarding the Jim Norman and Rhonda Moen fiasco. Unless I can come up with some new information, I cannot get any other letters printed.

At this point, I would really ask the citizens of this community to speak up in one way or another to the City Council and mayor. I have put a petition together at www.ipetitions.com/petition/save-albert-lea. You have the options to call the mayor’s office and leave a message or look up the mayor’s email address under the city of Albert Lea’s website and tell him you care or sign the petition. The petition is just telling the mayor and City Council that you care and you want information. Right now the mayor believes that I’m the only person in this whole town who cares about this secret, although there are at least three people who have written their own letters, but we need to let them know more care.

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The mayor has decided to hide again, but if they believe they can get away with doing this, what will be next? What other secrets are they hiding? Remember when it comes time to vote these people back into office. Do they really deserve your vote? Do they deserve your respect? They have all lost my respect. What about you, do you still respect them? Do you want them to know that? Speak up, please.


Kathy Diaz

Albert Lea