Nice to Know
Published 9:35 am Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thanks for the support
Since 1973, the American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days has been a major factor in helping the public learn more about the mission of eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Through the daffodil, the first flower of spring, this campaign brings a symbol of hope to cancer patients and those affected by the disease that there is a brighter future tomorrow.
The success of this past year’s daffodil program was because of the wonderful volunteers of Freeborn County. The American Cancer Society would like to thank the following businesses for allowing on-site sales of Daffodils. Nelson’s Market Place, Hy-Vee, Alden Bank, Glenville Bank, Twin Lakes Bank and Mayo Clinic Health System. Also thank you to the American Legion of Albert Lea for storing the daffodils. Thank you to the following volunteers and their support of the American Cancer Society: Lenore Fries, Jenine Kozioiek, Bob & Genie Hanson, Sue Olson, Cindy Fjermestad, Pat Stumme, Cindy Gandrud, Marlene Behle, Lettie Ann Anderson, Joleen Domes, Rosalyn Fossum, Roger Lonning, Connie Peterson, Maurine Larson, Arlene Egerdal, Lois Anderson, Lorrayne Aysta, Caroline Sorenson, Fern Urbatsch, Theresa Jackson, Wanda Shuldes, Erna Berthelsen and Gayle Olson. Thank you also to all the deliver people and those that helped in packaging.
Where does the money go from your purchase of daffodils? It supports the following programs: Funds groundbreaking research and new clinical trials with researchers at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota and helps pay for the lodging at an American Cancer Society Hope Lodge where last year more than 100 nights were used by patients and caregivers who stayed at a Hope Lodge from Freeborn County; your purchase also supports the Road to Recovery program — the American Cancer Society helped more than 50,000 patients to and from treatments last year with this program; it supports the Reach to Recovery volunteers who visit newly diagnosed breast cancer patients; and helps support the Patient Navigator Program and supports the Cancer Resource Network which provides information to those facing cancer. Every day more than 3,000 people call the American Cancer Society for help and information.
Thanks for all your support.
Rick Jeddeloh
American Cancer Society