Quist displayed poor behavior

Published 10:56 am Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I was honored to be a delegate to represent the people of Steele County at the endorsing convention in Mankato. I am sorry and saddened to say we failed to bring home a candidate to represent us in the fight against Tim Walz. Because this is all new to me, I had asked residents which candidate they wanted: Mike Parry or Allen Quist. Mike Parry was the frontrunner.

I went to the convention with high hopes, but it was not to be when Allen Quist and his team displayed very despicable behavior. Allen Quist was not able to get the endorsement after many votes. And the games began. Allen decided he and Mike should have a debate. The convention voted this idea down. Then Allen spoke to the convention during which he proposed that he present Mike with five questions and Mike would reciprocate. Is this not a debate? Mike spoke next and did not embark on the question issue. While Mike was attempting to speak, Allen pranced back and forth in front of the stage with a sign taunting Mike about the questions while Allen’s supporters yelled and booed. Allen still couldn’t win the endorsement. What came next? Allen got on the stage and talked about his net worth that would enable him to put a million dollars toward winning the election!

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Do we the people want someone who uses these tactics to represent us in Washington? Because of Allen Quist’s disrespect for the convention, it ended at 2 a.m. without an endorsement and with the state convention staring us in the face. It is time that Allen Quist plays by the rules and quits bullying the 1st District leaders and delegates. I, like many of you, am tired of the bullies thinking they can have their way. Please call your county Republican Party leaders and tell them who you want to be our voice, Mike Parry, who respected the convention rules, the delegates and alternates, or Allen Quist, who has little respect for the convention rules and needs to bully the convention, delegates and alternates to get his way? I sure hope we don’t pick a bully!

P.S.: Allen has not won an election in over 20 years.


Betty Quiring
