Brown was off about Murray
Published 8:54 am Thursday, June 7, 2012
Ms. Robin Brown’s recent letter to the editor about state Rep. Rich Murray did not make sense. We have a representative in the Minnesota State House now who sincerely tries to represent everyone in District 27A, no matter what their political persuasion might be.
Rep. Murray voted in favor of allowing school administrators to consider teachers’ job performance and not just years of service when making layoff decisions. Why not evaluate school teachers yearly just like private industry does with their employees? Teachers play an invaluable role in our children’s lives, and this bill would have helped ensure that the most effective ones are kept in the classroom. Teachers are invaluable to our students’ learning and growth, and Ms. Brown, like other teachers who serve our communities, should be thanked and given the benefits they deserve. Our students, though, deserve to have the most effective teachers in the classroom. Ms. Brown seems to be more concerned with Education Minnesota’s interests rather than our students’.
Tom Broskoff
Albert Lea