Editorial: Be good to visitors
Published 9:54 am Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Just about the best kind of purchase for our local economy is one made by a traveler or tourist.
They don’t burden our schools, our jails, our welfare, our government services. They come, spend and leave.
We bring this up because we want to remind all Albert Leans to be friendly to visitors. You just might be the person who leaves a lasting impression. Your comments about this city and your customer service traits just might be the reason someone returns to visit again.
When people live in one place for a long time — whether in a big, small or medium city — they can find the faults with their own place much easier than people who see it with fresh eyes. The fact is, Albert Lea is a beautiful town with an array of surprising shopping and dining selections for a city of this size.
Many people have worked hard to make that happen. Many people have taken personal financial risks to make that happen. And everyone in the community has a stake in wanting local businesses to succeed. The more jobs our city can support, the more multiplier jobs are created.
Be a good guide. Help out-of-towners get around. Show them our best this summer.