Goodnature golf tourney gets set

Published 9:13 am Friday, June 22, 2012

Now in its seventh year, the Corey Goodnature Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic already has raised almost $100,000 for scholarships.

This year’s event is June 30, with registration starting at 11 a.m. The opening ceremonies are at 12:30 p.m. A shotgun start is at 1 p.m. for the nine-hole tournament, and at 5:30 p.m. is the meal and start of the silent auction. A live auction is at 6:30 p.m.

Rick Mummert, who’s been on the board of directors since the event’s inception, said he and other organizers are thankful the community keeps supporting the cause.

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“It’s been very well-received over the years,” Mummert said.

The event raises funds for scholarships to be given out in Corey Goodnature’s name. Goodnature was a chief warrant officer three and a pilot and flight lead for the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. He died June 28, 2005, in Afghanistan when his helicopter was shot down by enemy fire during combat operations.

His parents are Don and Deb Goodnature.

“The Goodnature family has been a huge part of Albert Lea — they’re just wonderful people,” Mummert said.

Mummert said the event keeps getting larger each year. They tried to hold it at multiple golf courses in the past, but this year the event will just be at Green Lea Golf Course.

“Green Lea has just been phenomenal,” Mummert said.

The event is open to the public, and anyone is welcome to participate in golfing, the dinner or the auctions. Auction items and monetary donations are still being accepted as well. Mummert said businesses in Albert Lea and the surrounding area have helped throughout the years.

The golf tournament is always the Saturday before the Fourth of July. Mummert said seeing the color guard during the opening ceremonies is always a draw, and some years they have special speakers.

“It’s just an awesome event,” Mummert said. “It’s been an honor for me to be a part of it.”