Seat-belt crackdown results in 12K tickets
Published 9:09 am Tuesday, June 12, 2012
ST. PAUL — A statewide crackdown has resulted in more than 12,000 motorists being ticketed for violating Minnesota’s mandatory seat belt law.
The “Click It or Ticket” enforcement effort ran from late May to early June.
Director Donna Berger of the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety says the campaign’s goal is to “limit preventable deaths and injuries.”
According to preliminary results collected from more than 300 enforcement agencies, 12,639 tickets were issued for seat belt violations from May 21 to June 3. That number compares with 14,976 during the same campaign in 2011.
Seat belt violations in Minnesota carry a $25 fine, but administration costs often push the total closer to $115, depending on the county where the ticket was issued.