AAUW offers scholarship
Published 6:46 am Sunday, July 15, 2012
The Albert Lea Branch of the American Association of University Women will again be awarding a $1,000 scholarship to an area student working toward a post-secondary degree at an accredited college or university. The scholarship will be presented at the AAUW September meeting.
The scholarship is for female residents of the Freeborn County area who have completed at least one year of post-secondary work and are working on their degree as a full-time student.
Written applications for the scholarship must be submitted to the AAUW scholarship committee on or before Aug. 10.
The application requires:
• Applicant’s name and address
• Name and location of educational institution attended
• Statement of educational plans and goals
• Information indicating financial need and use of scholarship and
• Information about activities and accomplishments that demonstrate the applicant’s leadership and character.
A transcript of college courses, two letters of reference and a personal letter should also be included.
Applications can be obtained two different ways:
• Call 377-0864
• Visit https://sites.google.com/site/albertleaaauw/
You can send inquiries to albertleaaauwscholarship@gmail.com.