Bachmann, Ryan among top 5 House fundraisers in country

Published 3:48 pm Saturday, July 21, 2012

MILWAUKEE — U.S. Reps. Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin, and Michele Bachmann, of Minnesota, are among the top five U.S. House candidates nationwide in money raised during the current two-year election cycle, according to midyear election filings.

Bachmann raised $14.8 million, and Ryan brought in $4.2 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

All of the top five fundraisers were Republicans. The other three were Rep. John Boehner, of Ohio, who raised $18.2 million, Rep. Allen West, of Florida, who pulled in $10 million, and Rep. Eric Cantor, of Virginia, who raised $6.3 million.

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In addition to the $4.2 million he raised for his campaign, Ryan collected $4.3 million in 2011-’12 for his political action committee, Prosperity PAC, according to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel report ( ).

Ryan, who is from Janesville, is raising far more money than he did during his first five House campaigns, when he raised an average of about $1.3 million per election. In this campaign he’s on pace to top $5 million.

Mid-year election filings also show that Ryan has $5.4 million cash in hand, the most of any House candidate in the country.

Bachmann has $1.9 million cash on hand, and her political action committee, Michele PAC, showed receipts of $1 million in the 2012 cycle.

Ryan’s fundraising reflects his popularity among conservatives and businesses nationwide. He has been widely talked about as a vice presidential candidate to run with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Ryan attributed his fundraising prowess to his work on House budgets, in which he has pushed to cut federal spending and helped define the differences between the political parties on spending issues.