Be responsible for USA’s values

Published 10:29 am Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Have you heard the news? Am I still living in the USA? What have our husbands and sons been fighting for  these many years? Do you see the writing on the wall and what are you going to do? I guess we never can take our freedom for granted! How will this affect our home town? Do we have a dictator in charge of our country and what are you going to do about this? It really looks like a lot of name calling and dirty tricks are in store for us  this campaign season, and what are you going to do about it?

Sit and say “Oh isn’t that awful? When your neighbor shoots his wife and what will you do? Do you have any options or any responsibility for the values of our country? Do you care about the future of our country and the freedom: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, that our country has always valued? Talk to your neighbors and make your wishes known. This is not about politics; this is about life!


Kari Bach

Albert Lea