Published 9:57 am Monday, July 9, 2012
Freeborn County
District Court
June 14
Anna Maria Benitez, 37, 704 Madison Ave. Apt. 3, Albert Lea. Theft. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for six months and six months unsupervised probation. Fined $242.
Robbie Wayne Davis, 45, 2402 Gene Ave., Albert Lea. Counts 1 and 2: Domestic assaulst (dismissed). Count 3: Disorderly conduct. Sentenced 90 days jail stayed 90 days for one year and one year supervised probation. Fined $580.
Cody Baines Johnson, 19, 1020 Newton Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Underage drinking and driving. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for one year and one year unsupervised probation. Fined $290. Count 2: Under 21 liquor consumption (dismissed). Count 3: Under 21 liquor possession (dismissed).
Holly Marie Nelson, 29, 912 Bridge Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: Trespassing. Sentenced 90 days jail stayed 89 days for two years and two years supervised probation. Fined $580. Count 2: Obstruct firefighting (dismissed). Count 3: 4th degree damage to property. Fined $50.
Shane Adam Spilde, 26, 28729 655th Ave., Hartland. Count 1: Muffler required. Fined $130. Count 2: No proof of insurance (dismissed).
James Anthony Vanryn, 43, 407 E. 5th St., Blue Earth. DWI. Sentenced 60 days jail stayed 59 days for two years and two years supervised probation. Fined $605.
Justin Daniel Kormann, 24, 403 Church St., Hartland. Public nuisance. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for six months and six months unsupervised probation. Fined $180.
Patrick James Skelton, 35, 103 Broadway Ave. N., New Richland. Collision with unattended vehicle. Sentenced one year supervised probation. Fined $656.
Richard Allen Booth, 76, 1111 Ford Road, Newport. Unregistered vehicle. Fined $180.
Elizabeth Jo Donner, 18, 804 4th St., Farmington. Speeding. Fined $220.
Tiera Nichol Gowdy, 21, 830 25th St, Des Moines, Iowa. Speeding. Fined $140.
Jorge F. Bautista Hernandez, 22, 1105 3rd St. N.W. Apt. 102, Austin. Count 1: Driving after revocation. Fined $280. Count 2: Uninsured vehicle. Fined $200.
Christina Salgado, 22, 915 Fredette Ave., Sioux City, Iowa. Speeding. Fined $140.
Gaylen Herbert Schewe, 62, 74608 110 St., Glenville. Annual inspection of commercial vehicles. Fined $180.
June 15
Christopher Wayne Conley, 20, 505 St. Peter Ave., Albert Lea. Under 21 liquor consumption. Fined $180.
Brandon Stanley Johnson, 29, 119 Morningside Road, Albert Lea. Uninsured vehicle. Fined $280.
Jade Kandace Johnson, 21, 719 1st St. S.W. Apt. 10, Rochester. Count 1: Purchase/sell/barter/furnish/give to under 21 years old (dismissed). Count 2: Under 21 liquor consumption. Fined $180.
Pamela Jean Ready, 55, 801 Water St., Albert Lea. Count 1: Obstruct legal process (dismissed). Count 2: 4th degree damage to property (dismissed). Count 3: Disorderly conduct. Fined $180.
Nichole Marie Zankou, 28, 128 1/2 Riverside Ave., Owatonna. Count 1: 5th degree assault. Sentenced 30 days jail stayed 30 days for one year and one year unsupervised probation. Fined $280. Count 2: Aid and abet damage to property (dismissed).
Matthew Lee Brooks, 29, 1402 N. Academy Ave., Albert Lea. Count 1: 5th degree assault (dismissed). Count 2: Disorderly conduct. Sentenced 90 days jail stayed 90 days for one year and one year unsupervised probation. Fined $580.