Zare Zapadu No. 44

Published 7:56 am Friday, July 13, 2012


Western Fraternal Life Association Lodge Zare Zapadu No. 44 met June 4 at the Brick hall for a 6 p.m. potluck supper, followed by a meeting.

President Jim Benesh Jr. opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. A moment of silence was observed for the loss of member Duane Enderson, who recently passed away.

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A get well card was sent to Don Kral.

Alton and Marie Krikava attended the WFLA Minnesota State Meeting in Mahnomen on June 9 and 10. Mahnomen means “wild rice” and is located on the White Earth Indian Reservation in northwest Minnesota. Lodge No. 44 had 107 pounds of can tabs, which they donated to the Ronald McDonald House project. Members sold raffles on two Czech items and donated the money to the Minnesota Scholarship Fund.

The group was happy to hear that members Emily Belshan and Susan Krikava received scholarships this year. Doug Ryant of Mahnomen did a great job of conducting the meeting. Many thanks for all the work District 1 did to make this meeting a success. The next state meeting will be hosted by District 2 in Alexandria June 22 and 23, 2013.

The lodge had an entry in the Glenville Days Parade on the morning of June 9. Dan Belshan drove, and Elise Nyenhuis threw candy to the crowd. They played old time music for everyone’s enjoyment.

The lodge gave a bicycle away on June 10 in conjunction with Glenville Days. The bicycle is furnished by the Home Office of Western Fraternal Life Association in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. WFLA Bicycle Safety Brochures were handed out. Youth though age 15 registered to win. The winner of the bicycle was 7-year-old Lara Westrum, daughter of Tim and Jodi Westrum of rural Albert Lea. Member Dan Rayman presented Westrum with her new bike.

Upcoming events: The pancake breakfast and bake sale will be Sept. 9 at Glenville Legion, not Nov. 9 as previously reported.