Checking out what’s new at the state fair
Published 10:12 am Friday, August 24, 2012
Column: Aymee Hanna, From the Fair
Finally at the fair! After getting unpacked and settled in, (and not to mention, waiting out the rain) I have successfully completed my first trip into the fair! The night before the fair opens, you can definitely feel the energy and excitement! Tonight we went and checked out the new stands, new food and new vendors.
It’s even fun to see the regulars, like Martha’s Cookies. We do not touch these little morsels of heaven until the very last night — less calories that way — or the butterfly house. Now we just have to wait for everything to open.
While I was in the livestock barn, I ran into my first fellow Albert Lean! Sage Kermes is here at the fair showing her goat. She was pretty excited when I asked her if I could take her picture and I was just excited I found her for the paper! I think this whole reporting thing is going to turn out pretty good after my first trip in.
Now I’m set for the first big day of the fair. Tonight I was only in for a couple hours, but I managed to walk 5.64 miles. (I track my miles every day I’m in the fair — kind of fun to see how many it adds up to on the 12th day. So I definitely have my good shoes, my blue ribbon bargain books and my
backpack ready and waiting for tomorrow. It’s hard to believe the “Great Minnesota Get Together” is here already.
My first plan of action? Trying the Famous Elvis Presley Grilled Peanut butter and Banana sandwich. Yes! I must take one for the team!
Aymee Hanna is an Albert Lea resident and will be reporting from the Minnesota State Fair.