See the state fair through kids’ eyes
Published 10:37 am Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Column: Aymee Hanna, From the Fair
Wow! Halfway through the Minnesota State Fair, and so far I’ve logged 24 miles and spent more than $100. No one ever said the fair was cheap; I’m just thankful for my blue ribbon book!
Even though I’ve been here for a week, there’s still so much to see and do. I am so excited for today especially, because our two youngest kids are coming to the fair.
They have never been here before, and it’s going to be fun to see it through their eyes. I’m just afraid of what kind of food they’re going to make me try! But that’s OK, because I’ve just gained two new partners in crime to share food with.
Yesterday’s fried pickles were really good — you have to try them at least once! They also sell the batter this year for $5 so that if you really like them, you can make them at home.
Because I will be a tour guide for the day, if you will, I’ve saved some things to see until today. We have the parade at 2 p.m., the skate park, the haunted house, the butterfly house and for my first ride of the fair, the river raft.
Speaking of rides at the fair, the Stratosphere, which is a giant swing that takes passengers 200 feet in the air, is up and running again.
For the first couple of days, it kept malfunctioning, even stranding passengers 100 feet in the air. They say it’s safe and in working condition, but as for me, I think I’ll have to pass on that ride!
So, for now I’m off to see some animals, conquer the Mighty Midway, catch a show or two and, of course, try some more food.
I’m thinking I will try to get the kids to try alligator with me. It can’t be that bad, can it?
Wish me luck!
Aymee Hanna is corresponding from the Minnesota State Fair for the Albert Lea Tribune.