Rep. Walz should be thanked

Published 10:10 am Monday, September 17, 2012


I need to respond to a letter I read in the Sept. 14 issue regarding health care. The writer stated that because some states were opting out of health care expansion that we here in southern Minnesotans were now going to be responsible for picking up the cost for these other states and this was somehow the fault of our congressman, Tim Walz.

It is true there was an expansion of Medicaid under the new federal health care legislation. He was also correct in saying states could opt out of that expansion. However, the expansion is currently being covered 100 percent by the federal government and by taking this money more Minnesotans will have health coverage . There is no way that we will be responsible for other states opting out. This was their choice and their loss. If anything, we will now be able to get funding that may have otherwise gone to these states. This is a good thing for Minnesota. Congressman Walz should be thanked for allowing more of his constituents to get the care they need without costing the state of Minnesota. Congressman Walz has done a good job on our behalf and deserves to return to Congress.

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Bob Haas

Albert Lea