Savick is the way to go in Dist. 27A

Published 10:02 am Thursday, September 6, 2012

I was struck months ago, even before I even met her, with Shannon Savick’s campaign slogan.  As you may know, Shannon Savick is running for the Minnesota House District 27A seat, which covers Albert Lea and surrounding areas. And her campaign slogan? Representation, not politics. I was impressed!

Rich Murray, the current representative for this area, made a similar promise to the voters two years ago. And how did that work out? He voted with the Republican majority over 90 percent of the time.

• The shutdown? He voted for it.

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• Raising property taxes? He voted for it.

• Shifting budget problems to the schools? He voted for it.

So why would Shannon Savick be any different? I think her unique life experience makes her a perfect match for our voting district. She grew up in this area. She left to pursue a career in computers when most women were locked out of such jobs. She is a wife, a mother. And when she returned to Wells to live, she ran for and was elected the mayor of Wells at a time of budget cuts. The state of Minnesota had cut aid to local government and as mayor, she was in the position to make the tough decisions. Do you cut a policeman, a fireman, road repairs, hours at the swimming pool, programs for seniors? While legislators in St. Paul were cutting, mayors like Savick had to make the really tough decisions. I think this is the best preparation for a legislator, this realization that cuts have consequences in people’s lives.

I think that Gov. Mark Dayton has done the best job he can with the Legislature he has to work with. What he needs to get Minnesota back on track is the help of legislators like Shannon Savick who are smart, practical and decisive.

I am sure that as a progressive, I will sometimes be frustrated with Savick as my representative. She will sometimes compromise when I don’t want her to. But I also know that she will vote her conscience and rely on her life experiences to make the best, practical decisions available. I trust her.

I encourage voters to learn to more about her. Read her literature, check out her website, talk to her when she comes to your door and ask her how she will put representation before politics.  She’ll tell you.


Mary Hinnenkamp

Albert Lea