Brown increased disparity gap

Published 9:52 am Monday, October 29, 2012

I’m sure I’m not the only one that was surprised to read Robin Brown’s latest letter lecturing us about bipartisanship. After all, she is the chairwoman of the local DFL Party and lost to Rich Murray in the last election.

More problematic for Brown, however, is her own voting record. Under her watch, the education funding disparity gap between Greater Minnesota and the metro grew larger. Rich Murray reversed this trend and our local school districts now have a larger funding allocation than ever.

Under Brown’s watch, she borrowed from our local school districts to balance the budget and never voted to pay it back. Rich Murray voted to pay back the funding shift, including part of the shift supported by Brown.

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We can hardly afford to go backward on these issues.

Rich Murray fights for our district and is one of the most recognized independent voices in the Legislature. We need to send Rich Murray back to St. Paul. Vote for Rich Murray on Nov. 6.


Sybil Broskoff


Freeborn County Republican Leadership Team

Albert Lea