Editorial: Tell us about your newest addition
Published 10:22 am Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Just had a baby and want to announce it to the community?
The Albert Lea Tribune offers you the chance to do so.
You can submit birth announcements in three ways:
• Send an email to lifestyles@albertleatribune.com with the baby’s name, parents’ names and address, date and place of birth, baby’s weight, baby’s length, siblings and grandparents.
• Fill out and mail in the bright-colored postcard addressed to the Tribune that is given to new parents at the Albert Lea hospital after the baby’s birth. The card asks for the same information.
• Fill out an online form found at www.albertleatribune.com under the “Services” tab.
Birth announcements are free and are printed each Sunday in the Lifestyles section.