GOP left 2010 promise unfulfilled

Published 10:39 am Thursday, November 1, 2012

We all heard a lot of promises from the Republicans running for the state Legislature a couple years ago. The two they repeated most often were a focus on jobs and the economy, and, as they said, making the state government “live within its means.”

Two years later, the results don’t match their promises. Instead of “living within our means,” we got a budget that borrows billions from our public schools, protects tax loopholes for big corporations at the expense of the middle class and puts the budget deficit on a credit card. Instead of a focus on jobs and the economy, we were given the elimination of the homestead property tax credit and two divisive constitutional amendments.

Worst of all, the Republican majority shut down state government for a record 20 days. Amazingly enough, GOP Rep. Rich Murray is offering more of the same. Murray would vote in lockstep with his party leaders and has shown no interest in helping the middle class.

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It’s time for legislators who will actually work together and work for the middle class again. Fortunately, we have DFL candidate Shannon Savick who is ready to work across the aisle and get the job done.

DFL candidate Shannon Savick won’t be going to St. Paul with a partisan agenda, but with a desire to represent the people in our area and a focus on creating jobs, improving our schools, balancing the state budget honestly and fairly and growing the middle class.

Minnesota needs legislators who are willing to move past this gridlock and find commonsense solutions. DFL Shannon Savick has got my vote.


Nancy Sforza-Rosenberg

Albert Lea