Murray committed to restoration

Published 10:00 am Thursday, November 1, 2012

I want to say thank you to Rich Murray for all of his hard work in promoting clean water and restoration of our lakes system in Freeborn County. Rich works hard both publicly and behind the scenes in St. Paul to make our community better.

Just this summer, Rich worked with legislators in both parties to obtain approval from the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council for funding to complete restoration work at the outlet to Albert Lea Lake. This is the second time he has helped with this funding process. Rich has also laid the groundwork for future bonding opportunities for lake restoration.

Rich has earned the respect of our community and we are fortunate that he is our voice in St. Paul. St. Paul knows that Albert Lea is committed to restoring our lakes and we need Rich Murray as our megaphone at the legislature.

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Please join me in supporting Rich Murray on Nov. 6.


Brad Arends

Albert Lea