Murray works hard for District 27A

Published 10:08 am Friday, November 2, 2012

We strongly endorse our House District 27A incumbent Rich Murray for re-election to the Minnesota Legislature. This letter outlines some reasons why we support him.

Rich is a businessman who’s a strong voice for job creation through economic development in southern Minnesota. He knows additional state tools for outstate economic agencies are needed.

Murray believes in fiscal responsibility by working within a budget, not spending unfunded dollars in excess. His belief in a smaller government structure is genuine. He has fought and voted for $130 million in property tax relief and opposes any new taxes.

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Personally, Rich Murray has a pro-life stance and stands for solid family values. His nine grandchildren and family have shared the campaign trail with him to many events.

As a tireless worker and campaigner, Rich has knocked on nearly 15,000 doors, being always ready to talk about any issue. We believe he will converse with all constituents in an effort to reach bipartisan solutions.

We submit this positive view of Rich Murray as we know him: a candidate who lives in our city and represents Freeborn County well and supports the district. Rich Murray deserves our vote on Nov. 6 to continue his wide range of work is St. Paul.


Keith Fligge

Albert Lea