
Published 9:11 am Friday, November 30, 2012

Myrtle 4-H Club

The Myrtle 4-H Club met at Gregg and Brenda Koch’s house for a Halloween party in October. A spook house was the event and fun was held by all present.

In November, the Myrtle 4-H Club had its annual banquet at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. About 100 people were present including members, family, livestock buyers and other guests. Soup and pie was served, awards were handed out and new officers were inducted.

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It was an enjoyable meeting, according to the club’s reporter.


United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women met Nov. 7. Just Three circle presented the program on World Thank Offering, with offering envelopes distributed to circle members.

President Marty Beckmann opened the meeting with prayer and the United Methodist Women’s purpose. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were given by Ruth Vermedahl. The 2013 budget will be presented at the next meeting. Chairwomen from each committee gave reports:

• A Thanksgiving reading was given by Adean Turner, spiritual growth chairwoman.

• Church Women United representative Lea Nolting told of needing officers for 2013.

• Judy Hargrave, reading program chairwoman gave a report on the book, “We Wait You.” She also presented the slate of officers for 2013, which were approved by unit members.

• Rose Hood, sunshine chairwoman, sent three cards.

A copy of 2013 circle officers and circle members will be included in the circle agendas. Information should be sent to Tracy Vandegrift for the 2013 circle booklets.

The School of Christian Mission will now be called Mission You.

In honor of church staff, a monetary gift will be sent to UMCOR for Hurricane Sandy relief.

The next meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 5, followed by a luncheon. Martha circle will be in charge of the program with serving by Mary-Grace circle and installation of officers for 2013.


St. John’s Auxiliary

St. John’s Auxiliary met Monday, Nov. 19, at 2 p.m. in the St. John’s Lutheran Home chapel. President Carol Rask welcomed everyone. Devotions were given by the Rev. Krista Stokka. Becky Nordland on piano led the group in singing “I Love to Tell the Story” and “This is my Father’s World.”

Auxiliary Secretary Bonnie Schneider read the minutes of the October meeting. Treasurer Lorraine Schoper gave the treasurer’s report. Both were approved as read.

The auxiliary, from money raised at a fundraiser, will donate to St. John’s garden program. They will also sponsor a pizza party for residents Dec. 21.

Volunteer Coordinator Carla Reichel reported that 935 hours were reported for October, Day Care had 100 hours, there were four You & Me Clubs and three sing-alongs.

Diane Wichmann, activities director, announced the activities for St. John’s in December. There will be a four-corners Christmas tree where new hats and mittens will be donated to the Salvation Army. There will also be a Festival of Trees with various themes throughout the building. Residents will go to Northbridge Mall to see the Albert Lea Art Center’s Festival of Trees. Residents will go shopping at Northbridge Mall. They will listen to music by L.A. Sasse on Dec. 4, Loren Wolfe Country Christmas on Dec. 6, John Ulland Christmas music on Dec. 7, the Careyaires on Dec. 10, Jonny Bird on Dec. 13, Gary Froiland on Dec. 14, Glenville-Emmons High School on Dec. 17, and Norrianne Jensen on Dec. 19.

They will take three trips to see Christmas lights at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 4, 11 and 18 and have the St. John’s family Christmas party from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 12. They will have a Freeborn County Historical Museum Christmas at 10 a.m. Dec. 18, an auxiliary-sponsored Christmas pizza party at 5 p.m. Dec. 21, a Christmas Eve pageant at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 24, and a New Year’s Eve Party with music by Ken Bertelson and Millard Hamborg at 2 p.m. Dec. 31. A very busy and musical month is planned.

Vice President Caroline Sorenson read the names of residents celebrating November birthdays. The birthday song was sung.

Churches thanked for serving Sunday coffee were Round Prairie, Bear Lake Lutheran, Grace Lutheran and Concordia Pickerel Lake Lutheran.

The program was provided by Ascension Lutheran’s Hanna Circle. Chuck Sanddager played the organ, and Chuck and Gayle Olson sang several songs accompanied by Jayne Willamschen.

Refreshments were provided by Second South and St. John’s Dietary Department.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.