Editorial: Thumbs

Published 3:34 pm Saturday, December 1, 2012

Editorial: Thumbs

To model trains.

Toy trains have been good Christmas presents for men and boys alike, a hobby handed down through the generations. Many collectibles, like toy farm equipment or die-cast cars, just sit on a shelf, but trains actually go. They are fun to watch, and people build scenery for the trains to move through. What’s more, items can be purchased that reflect local boxcars and buildings. It wouldn’t be difficult at area train shows to find boxcars that say “Klemme Coop Grain” or “Minnesota, Mining & Manufacturing.”

The Albert Lea Area Model Railroad Show & Swap Meet started Saturday at Northbridge Mall and continues today from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Only vendors pay entry fees.


To lottery fever.

This past week witnessed lottery madness as the Powerball jackpot reached record levels, and all kinds of media coverage it, including this newspaper. But when you play any lottery game, remember this: You really are just paying extra taxes. Opponents of state-run gambling call it yet another tax on the poor and middle class.

Sure, sometimes, once in a while, someone wins some money. But the state always wins its money, plus it taxes the winnings of the winners. It takes its share twice. We hope people realize they are unlikely to win and are merely rendering unto Caesar, albeit in a manner that provides a bit of hope, then the dashing of that hope.


To the latest Albert Lea High School logo.

Not much fanfare was had when the high school rolled out its logo of tiger next to an A and an L two years ago, but perhaps there should have been. It was emblazoned on the football helmets this season and last season. They looked great! It is a much more original and distinct logo than the tiger eyes. Kudos to the designer, teacher Casey McIntyre, and to football coach Max Jeffrey for seeing the need for a fresh look. We hope to see it replace the tiger eyes on ALHS apparel as time passes.