Questions arise about Mpls. license plate data

Published 6:07 am Sunday, December 30, 2012

By Curtis Gilbert

Minnesota Public Radio


ST. PAUL — Academics and entrepreneurs nationwide have received copies of a massive database that the Minneapolis police department uses to track the location of cars. Where some see business or research opportunities, the city sees a public safety risk.

The data come from the city’s network of automatic license plate readers — cameras that record the locations of hundreds of thousands of cars every month.

Minneapolis has received at least 100 requests for data from its license plate scanners over the last five months, ever since the Star Tribune first reported on the existence of the data. Most requests came from people who wanted to know where the scanners had spotted an individual license plate. More than a third came from one man, Alex Peterson, who repossesses cars for a living.

Read the rest of the story on the MPR website here.