Published 5:44 pm Saturday, January 19, 2013
Ascension Lutheran Church Women
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA held their monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 13.
The Rev. Mark Boorsma installed the following officers at the 8:15 a.m. service on Jan. 13: Dois Guenthner and Denise Sandager, co-presidents, Lorraine Schaper, secretary, Cheryl Venem, treasurer, Joan Anderson, mission in growth, Ruth Furland, mission in action, Mary Boorma, mission in community and Elaine Struck, prayer coordinator.
Co-president, Dois Guenthner called the meeting to order and led devotions. The secretary’s report by Lorraine Schaper was approved as printed in the newsletter.
Cheryl Venem gave the treasurer’s report. The report will be placed on file for audit.
Cindy Jensen will audit the treasurer books.
The committee report and the mission in action reports were given by Ruth Furland for 2012. The group made 28 adult quilts, 18 child quilts, 15 baby quilts and 12 graduation quilts for a total of 73 quilts completed in 2012.
Under old business, Jane Samuelson will be at the next meeting in February to do a presentation on food safety guidelines.
Under new business, the nominating committee for 2013 is Caroline Sorenson and Jan Jerdee.
The Ascension 2013 handbook will be completed before the February meeting.
Library committee, Staci Waltman reported and asked for suggestions on books of interest to be added to the library. Please get notation to her or Alice Jensen, who will be helping Waltman.
Notation from the cookbook committee is that everything is nearly completed. The committee will be meeting soon.
Doris Guenthner announced the serving times that Ascension will do for St. John’s Lutheran Home for the cheer program, Sunday coffee serving and auxiliary program.
Doris Guenthner highlighted events coming up.
The next WELCA meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 10, the World Day of prayer will be March 1 and the Blue Earth River Conference will be held April 6 at Our Saviors in Kiester.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Members and guests of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Albert Lea gathered in Luther Hall for the annual Christmas potluck dinner. The Rev. James Kassera conducted the Bible study on Psalm 72. The group sang several Christmas carols accompanied by Betty Patterson.
Vice President Sandy Pieper presided over the business meeting.
The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and approved. Thank you notes were read from Eva Fredrickson, Cordelia Olson, Vi Caya, Nora Hendrickson, Shirley Fogerty, Jim and Marilyn Wendt, Lois Baker, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod for the gift of $200 for Home Missions, and Thoughts of Faith for the gift of $100.
A motion was made and carried to resume having the Christmas potluck dinner in December, with no meeting scheduled in January.
A motion was made and carried, with thanks and willingness to serve, the following slate of officers for 2013: president, Maren Ring; vice president, Sandy Pieper; secretary, Betty Patterson; treasurer, Angie Nelson.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
First Presbyterian Church
A Christmas music recital was held by students of Sharon L. Astrup-Scott on Dec. 16 at First Presbyterian Church. Erica Horton and Ashley Horton, the daughters of Jim and Jenn Quiram performed.
Solos and ensembles were performed representing all genres of music literature. A reception followed.
The next public recital will be at 2 p.m. June 9. Astrup-Scott teaches voice, piano, violin, viola and cello.
Conger 4-H Club
The Conger 4-H Club met for its monthly meeting on Jan. 13 at the Conger Community Center. President Toni Chicos called the meeting to order. The club talked about attendance at county events, community pride, the Spring Barrow Show food stand and new by-laws during the meeting.
The Mike Mattson, Chad Mattson, Sam Hintz and Erik Wasmoen families served refreshments.
Parker Hintz, Andrew Wasmoen, McKenzie Wasmoen and Madison Mattson did project talks. Important dates were discussed. They were Feb. 2, February Follies, Feb. 7, bring bars to fairgrounds, Feb. 8, Spring Barrow Show, Feb. 9, Beef weigh-ins.
The next meeting will be 5 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Conger Community Center with ice skating to follow at 6:30 p.m.
Wa Tan Ye Service Club
The first meeting of the year was Jan. 7. Dorothy Wedge called the meeting to order.
JoAnn Holstad read the minutes of the last meeting. Alice Petersen gave the treasurer’s report. They were both approved and placed on file. Correspondence was read. Twenty-one dollars were collected for the food shelf. After a discussion, it was decided to order more dish cloths.
Wa Tan Ye week is March 10-16. The club will sell dish cloths at Northbridge Mall on March 16.
“Happy Birthday” was sang for Alice Petersen’s birthday on Jan. 16. Bev Head has a birthday on Jan. 24. She was absent for the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned. Shirley Chase and Dorothy Wedge were the hostess for the meeting. Shirley gave a talk on the history of Clarks Grove. She had grown up in Clarks Grove. It was an interesting report.
The next meeting will be Feb. 4.