Published 9:34 am Friday, March 22, 2013
Freeborn 4-H Club
The Freeborn 4-H Club held its monthly meeting March 10 at the home of Sandy Anderson. There were four members and four parents present. A short meeting was held. A bill was presented and motioned to be paid. The bill was for the silent auction basket that the club is donating to the Freeborn County 4-H. The silent auction will be during the Belgian Waffle Breakfast on April 6 at the Freeborn County Fairgrounds in Albert Lea.
A discussion was held concerning one of the community pride projects. The project was delivering cookies to the elderly in the Freeborn community. The date of April 14 was picked to deliver the cookies. Each family will donate cookies to the project. Anderson will contact the bowling alley in Albert Lea to see if lanes can be reserved so that the club can go bowling after delivering cookies.
There are geranium sales already. The parents present were given flyers to hang up in their work places. The flyers advertise that the club will take advance orders.
With no other new business the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. April 14 at the Freeborn Legion Hall.
The club divided up into groups and conducted its annual food drive to benefit Alden Area Food Shelf. The club would like to thank the residents of the Freeborn community for their generosity. The club delivered 198 pounds of food and also $243 in cash to the food shelf.
Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary
The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary met at 9 a.m. March 16 at the Freeborn Legion Hall. President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to oder. The auxiliary pledge was recited. Anderson read an Easter prayer since it was the last meeting before Easter.
Anderson gave the secretary’s report. Evelyn Neubauer gave the treasurer’s report. Neubauer presented a bill for two soup ladles that she purchased to replace the two that are missing. It was motioned and seconded to pay her. Motion carried.
Anderson showed the members a box of coupons that was returned to her by the post office. It was to be sent overseas to one of the commissaries there. Out of the eight boxes that were sent, two of them were sent back. Anderson received a listing of addresses from the department secretary and was using those addresses. After much discussion, it was decided to discontinue sending coupons at this time. Anderson is going to contact the department secretary and see if an updated listing of addresses can be obtained. She is also going to ask the secretary if the group can get an idea of what brand of products that the commissaries carry so that proper coupons can be sent.
The auxiliary received a girls state questionnaire from one of the candidates, but Anderson will need to check with the gambling fund manager to see if it is too late to sponsor her. The auxiliary did not receive any of the boys state questionnaires back.
Anderson will have the mayor sign the Poppy Proclamation again this year. She will then post copies of it around Freeborn during the month of May.
The testimonial dinner for department president Raleen Tolzmann was discussed. Anderson gave out the information and members are thinking of going. At the April meeting, Anderson will get the final count of who would like to attend the event.
The next sewing date of the Community Sewing Group will be at 10 a.m. April 4 with a potluck to follow. It will take place at the Freeborn Legion Hall. Anderson has received a sheet that lists the prices that are assigned to various items that are donated to the veteran’s homes and hospital. Anderson will make copies available for the ladies that would like one.
Anderson gathered information for the annual reports and will work on getting them completed and mailed off.
It was announced that the Freeborn Sons of the American Legion will be having a spaghetti supper from 5 to 7 p.m. April 13 at the Freeborn Legion Hall.
The next meeting will be at 9 a.m. April 13 at the Freeborn Legion Hall.