Tobacco tax is good for children

Published 6:12 am Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lawmakers have an opportunity to prevent breast cancer in a way they might not expect. A new study from the American Cancer Society links a higher risk of breast cancer to youth smoking.

The study showed that the incidence of breast cancer was 61 percent higher for women who had started smoking before puberty and 45 percent higher for women who had smoked for 11 or more years before giving birth. This is yet another reason why girls and young women shouldn’t smoke.

So where do our legislators come in? They have the opportunity to pass an increase on the price of tobacco. We know that most smokers start using tobacco before age 18. And we know that when the price of tobacco goes up, fewer kids start. So, if we raise the tobacco tax we can prevent not only lung, mouth, throat, stomach and a host of other cancers, but breast cancer, too.

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I urge Rep. Jeanne Poppe and Sen. Dan Sparks to raise the tobacco tax for the health of our kids.


Mar Hanson
