4-H’ers compete at the annual Share the Fun variety show
Published 6:43 am Sunday, April 14, 2013
- Katie Maxa of Oakland Club won Instrumental alternate.
- Phil and Louis Wagner of Hayward Club won Miscellaneous alternate and Funny Bone.
- Addie and Betsy Wagner of Hayward won Miscellaneous.
- Noah Iverson of Hayward Club won Most Creative.
- Oakland Club won Short Play or Skit alternate and Most Creative.
- Seth Wagner of Hayward Club won State Fair alternate, Instrumental winner and Most Talented.
- State Fair winner, Short Play or Skit winner, Best Props and 4-H Spirit awards went to the Hayward Club.
- Vocal alternates were Liana Schallock and Bethany Tennis of the Hayward Club.
- Liana Schallock of the Hayward Club was the Vocal winner.
Share the Fun is an annual event that many look forward to each year. More than 50 Freeborn County 4-H’ers performed Feb. 25 in the Southwest Middle School Little Theater. There were also more than 75 parents, family, friends, visitors and judges that were in attendance for this talent-filled afternoon. The guests of 4-H were entertained by different readings, skits, singing, dancing, instrumentals, group musicals and some miscellaneous acts. The Freeborn County ambassadors were the hosts and hostesses of the afternoon.
The winners in the vocal category were “Cup Song” by Liana Schallock from the Hayward 4-H Club and “Sisters” sung by Liana Schallock and Bethany Tennis, both from the Hayward 4-H Club. In the instrumental category Seth Wagner of the Hayward 4-H Club won with his banjo solo “Banjo Medley.” The alternate instrumental winner was “Sonata Allegro Con Fuoco” which was a piano solo by Katie Maxa of the Oakland 4-H.
In the short play or skit category, “Hee Haw” by the Hayward 4-H Club and “Samuel & Paulette” by the Oakland Club which was written by Katie Maxa of the Oakland 4-H Club were the winners.
“Without You” danced by Addie and Betsy Wagner of the Hayward Club won the miscellaneous category with “Big Show Little People” performed by Phil and Louis Wagner also of the Hayward Club came in as alternate.
The judges selected “Hee Haw” by the Hayward 4-H Club as the State Fair winner and “Banjo Medley” by Seth Wagner of the Hayward Club as the State Fair alternate.
The Best Props Award went to the Hayward 4-H Club for their short play or short skit. Most Creative Award was “Samuel & Paulette” by the Oakland 4-H Club and “The Journey,” a piano solo written and performed by Noah Iverson of the Hayward Club. The Funny Bone Award went to “Big Show Little People” performed by Phil & Louis Wagner of the Hayward Club. The 4-H Spirit Award went to the Hayward 4-H Club for their skit “Hee Haw.” Most Talented Award went to Seth Wagner of the Hayward 4-H Club with his “Banjo Medley.”