Albert Lea gets outside to run
Published 9:56 am Monday, April 22, 2013

Runners participating in the seventh annual Tiger Trot sprinted over the starting line at 9 a.m. Saturday. The Fountain Lake 5 was run simultaneously with the Tiger Trot. The races began in different locations, but both events ended north of Brookside Elementary.
Tiger Trot runners compete to support Middle School, Fountain Lake 5 runners support Family Y
On Saturday, Southwest Middle School’s Tiger Trot and the Albert Lea Family Y’s Fountain Lake 5 honored victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.

Jens Lange, left, and Solveig Lange of Albert Lea ran at the Tiger Trot. Solveig earned 11th place in 33 minutes and 12 seconds in the 14 to 18 age group. Jens took eighth place in the 12 to 13 age group with a time of 23 minutes and 1 second. — Micah Bader/Albert Lea Tribune
About 500 green ribbons were made available for both races by Susie Hulst, the Family Y’s fitness director.
“After that happened last Monday, I thought it would be cool to show support,” Hulst said.
The color green was chosen because of Boston’s background, which includes the NBA’s Boston Celtics.
“Green just comes to mind with Irish heritage,” Hulst said.
Both events are creative ways to raise funds.
Southwest’s event — the seventh annual Tiger Trot — is a five-kilometer race that raises money for school activities like field trips, Southwest sixth- grade teacher Karol Hansen said.
“We don’t go out and sell things,” Hansen said. “This way there’s no middle man.”
The run started on the north side of Brookside Education Center at 9 a.m.

Steve Wiese, left, and his son Noah Wiese found each other after the Fountain Lake 5. After running in the Tiger Trot in previous years, Noah competed for the first time in the Fountain Lake 5. Steve won his age group in 42 minutes and 57 seconds. — Micah Bader/Albert Lea Tribune
The original idea for the Tiger Trot came from seventh-grade teacher Wendy Greenfield.
The first run was organized by the teaching staff, and now a few parents help out, Greenfield said.
Greenfield’s plan was to team up with the Fountain Lake 5, which has been held annually for the last 35 years, so both groups could work together to benefit.
“We couldn’t do it without them (The Fountain Lake 5),” Greenfield said.
Jason Koopal, a runner in the 30- to 39-year-old age group won the Tiger Trot in 20 minutes and 20 seconds. He edged Culley Larson of the 11-and-under age group by seven seconds with a strong kick at the finish.
“It was fun, but I really wanted to win,” Larson said.
Alex Dulitz earned third place with in 20 minutes and 35 seconds.
The Family Y’s event — the Fountain Lake 5 — is a five-mile loop around the lake.
“It ran really smoothly,” Hulst said. “The weather was nice for once this week.”
The top three runners for the Fountain Lake 5 were T.J. Schiltz, Brandon Bonnerup and Jamie Anderson.
Schiltz, a high school junior who also competes for the New Richland-Hartland-Ellendale-Geneva track and field team, won the event in 29 minutes and 27 seconds.
Bonnerup, earned second place with a time of 32 minutes, 33 seconds. He also competes for the Albert Lea track and field team.
Jamie Anderson, a runner in the 30- to-39 age group took third place in 34 minutes and 57 seconds.
The races start at different places, but both ended north of Brookside.
Tiger Trot (5 kilometers)
Ages 11 and under
1. Culley Larson 20:27**
2. Cole Indrelie 22:51
3. Andrew Willner 24:26
Ages 12 to 13
1. Alex Dulitz 20:35***
2. William Kruen 20:58
3. Dylan Scherff 21:09
Ages 14 to 18
1. Connor Larson 20:43
2. Herbie Lein 22:37
3. Ryleigh Bure 24:59
Ages 19 to 29
1. Ben Frayne 21:21
2. Cody Fox 27:13
3. Matt VanFosen 30:27
Ages 30 to 39
1. Jason Koopal 20:20*
2. Justin Bolinger 20:58
3. Christopher George 21:57
Ages 40 and above
1. Jason Willner 25:29
2. John Schneider 27:19
3. David Ware 32:44
Ages 11 and under
1. Jacy Rosas 25:59
2. Jaeda Koziolek 26:10
3. Maddie Schneider 27:14
Ages 12 to 13
1. Grace Chalmers 22:09
2. Maddy Carstens 22:17
3. Alexandra Eckstrom 23:11
Ages 14 to 18
1. Carol Lein 21:50
2. Kailey Christensen 23:04
3. Maddy Funk 23:10
Ages 19 to 29
1. Taryn Eilertson 21:54
2. Emily Kronnberg 23:50
3. Coryn Kluender 23:59
Ages 30 to 39
1. Angela Kroeger 27:52
2. Laura Helle 28:08
3. Angela Dauer 28:29
Ages 40 and above
1. Vanthany Tate 23:27
2. Jeanne Day 30:25
3. Lynn Scheevel 31:55
*First place overall
**Second place overall
***Third place overall
Fountain Lake 5 (5 miles)
Ages 18 and under
1. T.J. Schiltz 29:27*
2. Brandon Bonnerup 32:33**
3. Noah Wiese 58:53
Ages 29 to 29
1. Kyle Anderson 35:38
2. Nick Rolfing 35:55
3. Chris Karge 35:57
Ages 30 to 39
1. Jamie Anderson 34:37***
2. Jeff Ignaszewski 35:50
3. Zach Godtland 40:08
Ages 40 to 49
1. Dieter Heinz 37:29
2. Al Mullenbach 38:04
3. Jason Mullenbach 38:07
Ages 50 to 59
1. Steve Wiese 42:57
2. Tom Tylutki 45:48
3. Scott Woitas 49:46
Ages 60 and above
1. Gene Pacovsky 47:48
2. Gary Watney 82:15
Ages 19 to 29
1. Ellen Raleigh 39:06
2. Nicole Betters 43:03
3. Emily Slack 44:04
Ages 30 to 39
1. Kelly Goskeson 39:32
2. Stacey Doppelhammer 41:02
3. Heather Heitman 43:18
Ages 40 to 49
1. Wende Taylor 39:19
2. Kathy Johnson 44:21
3. Lisa Klingbell 47:47
Ages 50 to 59
1. Judy Meyer 37:42
2. Joan Wilson 41:13
3. Lori Austin 49:46
*First place overall
**Second place overall
***Third place overall