Editorial: Send us your youth sports info
Published 9:16 am Friday, April 19, 2013
The Tribune welcomes submitted material, and one of the best sources of it comes from youth sports.
As everyone knows, the Tribune covers many high school events, often working hand in hand with coaches and avid parents to get photos, statistics and summaries into print. However, we pretty much rely on the community to provide us with photos, stats and summaries of youth sports ranging from junior varsity on down to the little tykes kicking soccer balls around.
We want it.
But it doesn’t happen without you.
The church-league dartball does a good job of submitting results to the newspaper. That’s because at the start of the season they select someone to be in charge of getting their weekly numbers to the Tribune. It’s just smart.
We suggest that groups holding youth sports leagues this spring and summer do the same.
They find volunteer coaches. They find volunteers to manage the money. They surely can find someone to volunteer to be the media contact. That person ought to be decent with a camera, cares about spelling names correctly and getting numbers right and quick about turning the content around so it can appear before the community in a timely fashion.
The sports editor at the Albert Lea Tribune is Micah Bader. His phone number is 507-379-3434. His email is tribsports@albertleatribune.com.
He cannot attend every sports activity in Albert Lea, but he can make space on the Tribune Sports pages for the content people send to him.
Send it in!