Lawmaker seeks Super Bowl liquor sales in Minnesota

Published 1:07 pm Thursday, April 11, 2013

ST. PAUL — Call it Stupor Bowl Sunday.

A Minnesota House panel on Wednesday discussed a plan to allow liquor stores to open on Super Bowl Sunday next year. It’s a small twist in a familiar topic at the Capitol, where Sunday liquor sales bills come up each year without much success. Allowing liquor stores to open their doors for one extra day, the biggest sports event of the year, is a long shot.

The Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association has effectively lobbied against broader Sunday sales with the same argument: Its member stores want one day off a week and the extra day open would merely spread six days of sales over a full week. Association lobbyist Joe Bagnoli said liquor stores feel the same way about Super Bowl Sunday.

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“The Super Bowl is not a day that creeps up on people,” he said.

“We’re virtually certain that if Sunday sales were allowed on Super Bowl Sunday, you’d just have much less sales” in the days leading up to the big game.

Rep. Pat Garofalo, R-Farmington, said he thinks liquor stores could generate huge revenues on Super Bowl Sunday. His bill would allow liquor stores to open their doors on Feb. 2, 2014 — the date of next year’s Super Bowl. If it’s successful, the Legislature could extend the change permanently. Garofalo said he opposes broader Sunday sales.