Meet the Athlete: Dylan See-Rockers
Published 8:40 am Thursday, April 11, 2013

Albert Lea senior pitcher Dylan See-Rockers will lead the Tigers’ pitching rotation after earning a 5-0 record in 2012. — Micah Bader/Albert Lea Tribune
Albert Lea pitcher aspires to play sports professionally
Q: What year are you in school?
A: Senior.
Q: What school do you attend?
A: Albert Lea.
Q: Who is your immediate family?
A: My dad is Mario, and my mom is Sydnee. I have a brother Kyle and sisters Nikki and Brianna.
Q: What sports are you involved in?
A: Football, basketball and baseball with Albert Lea High School and baseball with Albert Lea American Legion Post 56.
Q: What is your favorite part of playing sports?
A: I just like the competitive nature of it.
Q: What number are you?
A: No. 3.
Q: How did you get started in baseball?
A: I just grew up around sports. My dad played baseball at Austin/Pacelli, and I had an interest in it.
Q: What other sports did your family members play?
A: My dad played football, wrestled and played a little basketball too. My mom was a gymnast. My brother played basketball, baseball and tennis.
Q: What are your sports related achievements?
A: Football: All-Conference this year and All-Area. Basketball: All-Conference first team, All-Area and team MVP. Baseball: All-Conference last year, All-Area and team MVP last year.
Q: Who is your favorite professional baseball player? Why?
A: I like Mike Trout and Joe Mauer. Mauer because he’s so humble. Trout because he’s so young, and to do so well at such a young age is impressive.
Q: Do you model yourself after those guys?
A: I would like to.
Q: What is your favorite school subject?
A: Math. I’m in pre-calculus right now, but I liked Algebra better. I liked Algebra II the best.
Q: Who is your favorite teacher?
A: My AP government teacher Jim Haney.
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: I play a lot of sports and like to hang out with friends. I like to golf and do family stuff.
Q: What is your dream job?
A: Professional athlete. I’d say basketball, but baseball is right up there too.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Anything on ESPN. “Baseball Tonight” is a good show. I also like “Family Guy;” it’s pretty funny.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Pizza or anything that’s cooked on the grill: hamburgers and hotdogs.
Q: What is an interesting fact about you?
A: I’m the middle child in my family.