Published 6:11 am Friday, April 19, 2013
Trinity Lutheran Church Women
The Trinity Lutheran Church Women met for their annual salad luncheon guest day on April 3. The welcome was given by Co-president Bev Jackson-Cotter. Adeline Biedermann led in devotions. Dorie Schou provided piano music before the lunch. Deborah Circle with Biedermann served the lunch to 96 members and guests. Many of the guests were from area churches.
Jan Drews welcomed the program, Cow Bell Ministry, by Joanne Brown and LaVonne Hagen from the Forest City, Iowa, area.
Following the program, the TLCW board met for a short meeting. The next meeting will be at 9 a.m. May 6.
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. April 10 in Bethany Hall.
Prelude music was provided by Joan Holt.
Co-president Bonnie Trampel welcomed everyone to the April meeting.
Thema Foss gave devotions reading John 3:16 which is a favorite – “For God so loved the world” – along with an appropriate prayer of love.
Gen Montei introduced the program which was presented by the Rev. Dave Hanson along with his wife, Stephanie Hanson. Both had been on a mission trip to Tanzania. Hanson had been ordained at First Lutheran Church in 1985 and has served as pastor of the Roseville Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Their congregation had collected funds to purchase corn for these people which had already been delivered. The people were thrilled to see the amount of corn they delivered as this is their main food. The residents brought large baskets to fill for their families. Stephanie, who is a first grade teacher, said that she was very touched by these children as they were so willing to learn. They showed many items that people make in Tanzania which were lovely and also showed a video showing the way they express their joy when missionaries arrive in their country. It was a very interesting program.
The group sang “Beautiful Savior” which is a favorite of all.
Circle roll call was conducted by Selma Engebretson with circle No. 21 winning first prize.
The secretary’s report was approved as printed by motion being made by Donna Ludtke and seconded by Sandy Narverud. The report will be placed on file.
In correspondence, Lois Jensen read thank you from Thrivent Financial, St. John’s Lutheran Home, Salvation Army Good Earth Village, Lutheran World Relief and the newsletter from River Crossing. She also thanked Ludtke for reporting the correspondence the past few months.
In old business, the Blue Earth River Conference in Kiester was attended by Trampel, Ludtke, Virginia Hermanson and Lorraine Bakken. Cindy Martin had attended a program at First Lutheran Church in Glenville and suggested a program that was present, which the group also had some time ago. A bill from Culligan Water was questioned and the group paid $50 of the bill of it each month, which was correct.
In new business a question arose as to the number of members attending the FLCW meetings and why the young people were not interested in FLCW and if it would help to have the meetings in the evening. After a brief discussion, it was determined that most young people have families and would not be able to attend either afternoon or evening meetings due to their busy family and work commitments. Annual tea will be held in May and the field trip in July. More information will be forthcoming.
The meeting was closed by singing the hymn “O God of Mercy, God of Light” at which time offering was given.
The offering prayer was given by Hazel Senske.
Thank you to ushers, Jane Reid and Arlis Smith, greeters, Marlene Behle, Tep Christensen and Helen Lovik, hostesses, co-chairwomen Thelma Foss and Julie Tonder and their committee, Julie Gilbertson, Marge LaFrance, Barb Ochs, Dawn Rozinka and Orlene Woodside and caring and sharing, co-chairwomen, Lavonne Oftedahl and Bev Sutton and their committee who served three funerals in March.
In announcements: Tuesday was the financial seminar in the multi-purpose room, Sunday, a breakfast will be held from 9 a.m. to noon in Bethany Hall, Sunday, a spring concert will be at 7 p.m. in First Lutheran sanctuary, May 3, rib dinner in Bethany Hall with a time to be determined, May 7, congregational meeting for elections at 6:30 p.m. in Bethany Hall and May 18, Lutheran world relief van, 7:30 a.m. to noon.
The meeting concluded by praying the Lord’s prayer. The group also sang together the table prayer before lunch.