Albert Lea captains to play in Minnesota All-Star series
Published 3:37 am Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Albert Lea senior pitcher Dylan See-Rockers hurls the ball toward home plate April 30 in a 6-5 win over Austin. Inset: Albert Lea assistant coach Jay Enderson instructs senior center fielder Makael Lunning May 21 in a 2-1 win over Austin. See-Rockers and Lunning led the Tigers to a 9-12 record and a 6-0 win over Hastings in the first round of the Section 1AAA tournament. See-Rockers and Lunning have been selected to play in the Minnesota All-Star Baseball Series. The tournament will take place at Chaska Athletic Park June 20 to 22. The tournament features four teams: North, South, East and West. Coaches for the South will be Joe Sczublewski of Albert Lea, Broc Threinen of Kasson-Mantorville and Bart Hill of Lac qui Parle Valley. — Photo illustration by Micah Bader/Albert Lea Tribune