Published 6:44 am Sunday, June 16, 2013
Freeborn 4-H
The Freeborn 4-H Club met for its monthly meeting on May 19 at the Freeborn American Legion Hall. There were five members and four parents present. President Monica Bye called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance and 4-H pledge were recited. Secretary Chris Anderson did the roll call by asking “What is your favorite thing to do?” Then Anderson read the April secretary’s report. Travis Bye gave the treasurer’s report. Both reports were approved as read. Sandy Anderson presented two bills to be paid. One was for when the club went bowling and the other was for refreshments for the leader’s council meeting which was the following night.
Sandy then handed out the fair pre-entry forms that need to be filled out by the members. A discussion was had concerning the planting of the flowers in the planters around town. Sandy has not yet purchased the flowers due to the weather conditions and currently the planters are too wet to plant. Sandy will email members when the flowers are ready to plant.
Due to the small numbers of the club, it was decided to not participate in the upcoming parades that the club has been invited to. Sandy announced that she has the sign-up sheets for both the clover stand and the malt wagon for during the county fair. She asked members to sign up if they were able to work.
The club will be doing a small picnic in June but not a club tour. It will not be having a banner or a booth at the county fair. Sandy will still do a community pride project. The club will see what times are available for recycling at the fair and see how many members can help with this.
Sandy also announced that the club needs to be at the fairgrounds on July 22 to help with the set up for county fair. At the leader’s council meeting on May 20 the club was in charge of the refreshments, set up and clean up. Sandy also brought up the topic of project talks and she hoped that at the June meeting that each person would be able to give a project talk. Sandy also told the adults that there is online training available on the 4-H website. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned. Lunch was served by the Jacobsen family. The next meeting will be at 4 p.m. June 23 at the Anderson home.
Wa Tan Ye service club
President Dorothy Wedge called the June 3 meeting to order. Roll call was taken and there were seven members present. There was no correspondence to be read. Alice Petersen read the minutes of the last meeting. She also gave the treasurer’s report. Both were approved and placed on file. The club wants to thank Petersen for doing the secretary’s job as well as the treasurer’s. The club collected $32 for the food shelf.
A letter was read concerning the order for the dish cloths. The company is not filling any orders as of now. It was unclear if there will be any more orders filled. The club does have a few dish cloths left if anyone wants any.
Wedge read an article before adjourning the meeting. Janice Erdahl was the hostess.
The next meeting will be July 1.
Ascension Lutheran Church Women
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA held their montly meeting at 9:30 a.m. June 9.
Co-president Doris Guenthner called the meeting to order and led devotions with Luke 10:40-42, about learning to say no to people in order to say yes to God.
The secretary and treasurer reports were placed on file.
In correspondence, a thank you was received from Lutheran Campus Ministry in Mankato from the Rev. Tammy Dahlvang thanking the women for their support. There were also thank yous from graduate Alex Lamson for the quilt and the graduation Sunday brunch, custodians Cherrie and Darrin Schiltz and from Ashley Krowiorz and Elizabeth Hutchins for the confirmation books.
In old business there was a thank you to those who worked on the two graduation quilts and cookbooks are out. A special thank you to the cookbook committee for all of their hard work on a great cookbook; especially marking the church’s 50th anniversary.
In new business, guest night at Ascension will be Aug. 20 with the salad supper beginning at 6 p.m. Chairwomen Alice Jensen and Marilyn Danielsen will be serving and in the kitchen. Margaret Aasen and Jane Pearson will be in charge of name tags. Sharon Anderson is in charge of decorations. The program will be by Shirley Gandstad of Spring Valley. She will present a speaker skit type portrayals of women of the Bible. Secretary will send out the invitations.
There was a review of the upcoming Bible study. Women of the Bible will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 29. Jan Jerdee will be attending. Anyone interested for more information should contact Jerdee.
The Synodical WELCA Convention will be Sept. 21 at Grace Lutheran Church in Albert Lea. The group is asking each church to display a quilt. The WELCA group will be one of three churches to serve the main meal.
Guenthner read the letter from St. John’s volunteer coordinator on considering changing the programs which means a change to the Auxiliary Constitution. Attendance was asked for at the next auxiliary meeting at 2 p.m. Monday at St. John’s chapel.
In announcements it is time to prepare to send a box to a military member of the church, Andrew Marpe. Please consider bringing items that can be mailed.
Note the date change for Central Freeborn WELCA guest night. The new date is at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
Naomi Circle will have Good Samaritan bingo on July 10.
The next meeting is at 9:30 a.m. July 14.