Published 6:41 am Sunday, June 23, 2013
VFW Auxiliary
The Freemond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary met June 10 at the American Legion hall with President Eunice Hatleli presiding.
Thank you to the workers and to the public for their donations to the successful Buddy poppy days.
A thank you was received from the Albert Lea firefighters for the group’s donation for the T-shirts they gave to the grade school students.
The group thanks Oakland Lutheran Church who made and gave the auxiliary two red, white and blue quilts for the group to give to the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Hospital.
First district Laurie Dale of Kenyon has been endorsed for election to the Minnesota Department VFW Auxiliary as president for the ensuing year.
Again the group will be baking cookies for the REACT club for the Interstate 35 rest stop for the Fourth of July weekend. The group will bake at the Moose Club at 9 a.m. July 1.
Marcia Petersen and Vickie Allen served lunch. Frances Kammerer won the door prize.
The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. July 8 at the Legion hall.
Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 56 met at 7 p.m. June 5 in the Legion Club Dining Room. President Bonnie Schneider opened the meeting with the usual ceremonies. Jenny Torgerson, chaplain, led the members in prayer. Secretary Vonnie Oftedahl and Treasurer Rita Andersen gave their reports.
The certificates for continuous membership were announced: seven certificates for 25 years, four certificates for 30 years, four certificates for 35 years, six certificates for 40 years, five certificates for 45 years, four certificates for 50 years and three certificates for 55 years. Several of the members were there; the others will be mailed to them.
The American Legion Auxiliary gives two $400 scholarships each year and two citizenship awards. This year’s recipients for scholarships were Kessa Albright and Allison Fitzlaff. Citizenship awards were given to Corbin Schultz and Karli Kriewall. Congratulations.
The auxiliary will be having a fundraiser pancake breakfast at the club from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 30. The proceeds will go into the scholarship fund. They are in need of workers.
Recommendations voted on were Exchange Club (flags), Ronald McDonald House and REACT for Fourth of July rest area.
Closing ceremonies were held. Lunch was served by Oftedahl and Lee Nolting.
The auxiliary’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 4 in the Legion dining room.