Chamber golf outing went well

Published 10:13 am Thursday, July 18, 2013

On Monday, the Freeborn County Chamber and its ambassadors hosted their 50th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing, and it was once again a great success. We would like to thank everybody who made this event possible. It was a great day with an incredible turn-out.

A huge thank you to all of our hole sponsors; the local businesses who made donations to the generous gift baskets that were raffled off following the golf; the local businesses who afforded their staff an afternoon out of the office to enjoy a round of golf, albeit on a sweltering July afternoon; Green Lea Golf Course for their hard work, organization and hospitality; the Pork Producers, who outdid themselves once again, working over the hot grills to prepare the dinner. Our thanks to the chamber staff (Randy Kehr, Sue Axsmith and Geri Jensen) who are invaluable in helping pull off the event and most especially my fellow chamber ambassadors who take charge of this event year in and year out to make sure it is a success.

If I have missed anyone (and I’m sure there are others who are not mentioned) thank you for making year 50 another great success. All of the time, donations and hard work allow us, the chamber ambassadors, an opportunity to present scholarships to some tremendous young adults within our community as they continue their education. A huge outpouring of support by our local community affords us these opportunities. Thank you all!

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Brad Skinness and Kevin LaFrance
Ambassador co-presidents

Albert Lea