Published 8:42 am Sunday, September 22, 2013
Wa Tan Ye Service Club
The Wa Tan Ye September meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge.
Roll was taken and participation was 100 percent.
Joann Holstad read the minutes of the August meeting. Alice Petersen read the treasurer’s report. Both were approved and placed on file.
The committee reports were called for. It was reported that 54 green dish cloths and 62 plain dish cloths were left.
New business was called for and the nomination committee reported that the officers had agreed to serve another term. One director was nominated. The club will vote next month.
Wedge reminded members that the dues for next year will be due in October. The dues are $22.
The club collected $29 for the food shelf this month.
The meeting was adjourned. Bev Head was the hostess for the meeting.