Tigers compete at home
Published 12:57 am Monday, September 16, 2013

Albert Lea’s Holly Wichmann advances the ball Saturday during the girls’ soccer tournament at Albert Lea in a 6-0 win over Red Wing. Wichmann earned an assist against Red Wing, and she scored a goal in the Tigers’ 11-0 win against Stewartville. — Drew Claussen/Albert Lea Tribune
Look for scores and statistics from the tournament in the Sept. 14 scoreboard.

Albert Lea’s Tim Furland looks for open space Saturday during the boys’ soccer tournament at Albert Lea. The Tigers beat Marshall 5-3 and lost to Worthington 4-1. — Drew Claussen/Albert Lea Tribune

Albert Lea’s Becca Dup fights for possession of the ball Saturday against Red Wing. — Drew Claussen/Albert Lea Tribune