Editorial: Go to forum on local health care
Published 10:25 am Monday, October 28, 2013
We urge our readers to attend a forum Tuesday evening to learn about changes in the field of health care. We can’t state just how important this gathering will be to people in the Tribune’s coverage area.
Everyone is affected by the Affordable Care Act, and everyone will have options they need to learn and understand.
But there’s more than just the new federal health care law. Nearly everyone in the Albert Lea area will be affected by changes coming to the Mayo Clinic Health System of Albert Lea and Austin. It has a new model of community care.
And it will be an opportunity to hear about the medical center’s long-term plans for the facility.
Mayo Clinic Health System of Albert Lea and Austin is holding this forum in an effort to reach members of the community and help them see clearly what’s ahead. It’s a golden opportunity.
CEO Mark Ciota, who also is a physician, and Chief Administrative Officer Steve Waldhoff will lead a discussion on the changes of health care and Mayo Clinic Health System’s new model.
“Our leadership team wants to share with you what we can about the rapid changes we are experiencing in health care,” Ciota said. “Just as importantly, we want to hear from you with your concerns and questions. With the numerous challenges facing the health care industry, leaders across the country are redefining, realigning, and retooling organizations so they can meet the ongoing needs of patients. And that’s exactly what we have to do to in Albert Lea and Austin as well.”
A period of questions and answers will follow.
The forum begins at 5:30 p.m. at the Marion Ross Performing Arts Center, 147 N. Broadway, in downtown Albert Lea.