Published 9:08 am Sunday, October 20, 2013
Ascension Lutheran Church Women
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of the ELCA held their regular monthly meeting at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 13.
Co-president, Doris Guenthner called the meeting to order. Guenthner led devotions on “Finding Your Ministry.”
The secretary’s report was read by Secretary Lorraine Schaper and approved. There was no treasurer’s report.
In correspondence, a thank you from Kay Madsen was read for the WELCA gift book, “Healing After Loss.”
In old business, prayer shawls from the Southeast Synodical WELCA convention were given to board and care homes locally. Quilts were also collected at the convention to be sent for Lutheran World Relief.
Marilyn Danielsen is working on a table display for the WELCA for Ascension Lutheran’s 50th anniversary. Jan Jerdee volunteered to give a shelf she has to use for display.
The two-drawer file cabinet has been placed in the Fireside Room closet with keys made.
In new business, the group discussed special service projects at St. John’s Lutheran Home for 2014. The Hannah circle will lead the escort service for March 23 and Oct. 5 in 2014. Sunday coffee serving at St. John’s in 2014 will be as follows: Aug. 3, Mary circle, and Nov. 23, Miriam circle. The auxiliary program for the morning meeting on Sept. 22, 2014, will be at 10:30 a.m. by Ascension. The Naomi circle will do the Good Samaritan bingo in July 2014. Time and talent bazaar at Ascension is scheduled for Nov. 2, 2013. On Nov. 17, 2013, there is a thank offering at both church services.
There was discussion on confirmation reception. Volunteers to serve on the committee are as follows: Cheryl Venem, Alice Jensen and Rosalyn Fossum.
A reminder was given to check out the new WELCA bulletin board.
A motion was made by Venem and seconded by Jensen that the nominating committee for 2014 will be Jerdee, Caroline Sorensen and Gayle Olson. The motion carried.
The Ascension Lutheran 50th year celebration was this weekend with festival activities Saturday and today.
The next regular meeting will be Dec. 8.
United Methodist Women
The United Methodist Women met on Oct. 2. Merle Stensrud opened the program with a piano selection.
Marcia Moyer of Hope circle introduced Diane Wichmann, director of fund development for St. John’s Lutheran Home. Wichmann gave information on the full range campus of senior living, to be built in the near future.
The business meeting was opened by President Jerry Horswell, with a reading about autumn and the WSCS purpose, which was writen in 1947. She thanked Just Three circle for serving and Hope circle for the program.
Secretary JoAnn Seuser read the September minutes, correspondence and recorded the circle attendance and shut-in calls.
Ruth Vermedahl, treasurer, gave the September report and told of the Southern Prairie district meeting that she and Seuser attended.
Spiritual growth chair, Adean Turner, read scripture from Corinthians and an article in the church bulletin.
Fern Urbatsch of Education and Interpretation spoke about a grant from the prayer and self-denial fund. It provided services for the McCurdy Charter School in New Mexico.
Marcia Moyer reported on the September projects at St. John’s and at Good Samaritan Society.
Reading program chairwoman, Judy Hargrave, gave several readings from the book, “Every Day is a Good Day.”
Jodi Bromeland told of the project called, “Christian Friends of Korea,” whose project is making fleece shawls.
Tracy Vandegrift requested input of members for choosing special members for circle books.
The next meeting will be Nov. 6. Coffee will be at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting begins at 10 a.m. The Martha circle will serve, and Mary-Grace circle will do the program.