
Published 9:07 am Friday, November 8, 2013

First Lutheran Church Women

The 53rd anniversary of the reformation luncheon was at noon Oct. 9 in Bethany Hall at First Lutheran Church.

Joan Holt played the prelude which were Martin Luther hymns and were lovely.

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The welcome was given by Co-President Bonnie Trampel. Afterward the group prayed the blessing and Thanksgiving prayer from Luther’s small catechism.

The luncheon menu was chicken supreme hotdish with cranberry salad, t-rolls, Hawaiian fruit cake and coffee, which were delicious.

Donna Ludtke gave devotions for the luncheon and began by stating that Katherina (Martin Luther’s wife) was 5 years old when she began her education and after several years of religious life she contacted Martin Lutheran and begged for his assistance. Katherina had several suitors, but said she would only marry Dr. Martin Luther and only him. They were married on June 13, 1525. She operated a hospital on the grounds of the monastery. She and Luther had six children and also raised four orphan children. She died on Dec. 20, 1552, at the age of 53.

Special music, a Mount Carmel hymn, “Farmer Takes A Sheaf of Grain” was directed by Julia Tonder.

The Mount Carmel group gave the program and each one gave a brief summary of their experiences during the week. They were as follows: Neva Mathison, Trampel, Monrad Mandsager, Jan Overgaard, Cheryl Moran, Jane Reid, Shirley Christopherson, Bonnie Schneider, Cathy Carter, Hildy Vallevand and Joyce Fredin. All had interesting stories to relate to the group.

As the secretary’s report was given to each member attending prior to the meeting, upon motion by Lorraine Bakken, seconded by Cheryl Moran, the minutes were unanimously approved.

Lois Jensen gave the report on the correspondence stating that the group received a thank you note from a local pastor for the gift presented to him as well as one from the Mildred Wing family. The Salvation Army requested a contribution and the Cross of Glory Church in Hartland invited the group to attend its supper from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Nov. 6.

There were no committee reports.

In old business, Jinni Olson, who served as the alternate delegate at the Southeast Minnesota Synod Women’s Organization convention gave a brief report on the meetings. They informed the group that they need to change the budget as it is not covering the necessary items. Also, some of the amendments needed changes which were accomplished. There were several good speakers and a number of interesting meetings. The group had excellent entertainment — the “Andrew Sisters” performed.

In new business, the women were reminded that the lefse bake was on Oct. 22-24 and extra help is always needed.

Also, the women were looking for help with the Lutheran World Relief Van which was in the parking lot from 7:30 a.m. to noon Oct. 12.

The group sang “Trust in God’s Promise to Keep You” with the assistance of Tonder.

The group prayed in unison to a prayer written by Martin Luther.

Trampel thanked the co-chairs Virginia Hermanson and Helen Lovik and their committee of Marilyn Chafee, Audrey Christensen, Fredin, Alicia Helland, Kathy Olson, Arlils Smith, Tonder and Maxine Wignes for the delicious luncheon.

Hermanson made beautiful candy cups (out of old bulletins) with colorful leaves on the top of each candy cup.

Greeters were Marge Moine and Sandy Narverud.

Caring and sharing served two funerals in September. Co-chairwomen were Mathison and Marge Moine.

The following announcements were made:

• Monday mornings will be holidays ahead crafting at 9 a.m. in Bethany Hall.

• Oct. 12 the Lutheran World Relief van was at the church from 7:30 to noon.

• Oct. 20 there was a stewardship campaign and new member orientation.

• Oct. 22-24 was the lefse bake. Those who can help should call Audrey Christensen at 373-2770 or Bonnie Schneider at 373-3767.

• Oct. 27 was new member Sunday and third grade Bible hand out

• Nov. 11-15 Used-A-Bit and Used-A-Bit Plus items may be brought to the church

• Nov. 13 there will be a FLCW program at 1:15 p.m. Thank offering will be received.

• Nov. 23 will be holidays ahead from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be an annual craft and baked goods bazaar with coffee and goodies from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with baked goods, circle tables, Used-A-Bit and Used-A-Bit Plus shop.

• Dec. 1 will be the Simple Gifts concert with Billy McLaughlin in the FLC sanctuary at 7 p.m.


Freeborn Legion Auxiliary

The Freeborn American Legion Auxiliary No. 552 met on Oct. 13 at the Freeborn Legion Hall. President Sandy Anderson called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance and the auxiliary pledge were recited. Anderson also read the prayer that was in the department mailing and the poem entitled “Who Will Fold the Flag.”

The secretary and treasurer reports were given and approved. The per capita dues and the junior dues were motioned to be paid and motion was seconded and carried. Now that the group knows what the district president’s project is, it was motioned and seconded to donate to the project.

The auxiliary still has a few members who have not yet renewed their memberships for this year. Anderson will add a note to the next newsletter and hopefully the group will reach its goal soon. There is one new membership so far. Anderson will get an invitation sent off to the district president with the listing of upcoming sponsored events.

The community coffee time event set for Nov. 16 was finalized. Serving will be from 8 to 10 a.m. and a meeting will follow at 10 a.m. Pastries, coffee and juice are on the menu and is served to the public free of charge.

The community sewing group will not be meeting until January. New wish lists were received from the various veterans hospitals and homes and these were given to Viola Krogsgaard.

Anderson asked if the group was going to send out veteran appreciation cards again this year to the members of the Freeborn American Legion. The answer was yes. Anderson will take care of this.

Members present went over the community coffee donations list and the donation sheet was updated. Anderson will check with the member in charge of this auxiliary sponsored event to see if everything is covered.

The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. Nov. 16 following the community coffee time.