Who left guinea pig by the road?

Published 10:06 am Thursday, November 7, 2013

This is to whoever dropped your cute, little, long-white-haired-with-a-black-face guinea pig off at the bottom of Wild Ridge Road. My dogs and I were out for our morning walk, and my dog came to me with your “pet” still breathing and lifting its little head to look for help. By the time I went home to get a box to bring it to the vet, it had already died. So “thanks” for making my day.

You should be ashamed for being so heartless. The least you could have done was bring it to the vet or better yet put it on KATE Radio’s “Party Line” for someone else to enjoy. Pets are living creatures and deserve the commitment to take care of them. Would you dump your kids off this way as well?

P.S. My son was kind enough to bury “your” pet.

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