Published 7:00 am Sunday, March 9, 2014
First Lutheran Church Women
First Lutheran Church Women met at 1:15 p.m. Feb. 12 at Bethany Hall. Joan Holt provided prelude music. Joyce Fredin welcomed everyone and led the reciting of the purpose statement. Devotions were given by Bonnie Schneider on the theme “Be Still and Know That I Am God.” Hymn No. 84 “Brightest and Best of the Stars of the Morning” was sung by everyone.
Cathy Carter, who was part of a group of 16 that visited Israel last October, introduced the program “Trip to the Holy Land.” Becky Tennis Hanson and Randy Tuchtenhagen showed slides of holy sites in old Jerusalem and shared impressions of society in modern Israel. They also spoke of the plight of Palestinian refugees.
Donna Ludtke conducted the business meeting. The secretary’s report was approved as printed by a motion of Neva Mathison and seconded by Bonnie Trampel. It will be filed. Marge Moine, acting corresponding secretary, reported that thank-you letters were received from Salvation Army, Youth for Christ, Good Earth Village and Mount Carmel.
The proposed 2014 FLCW excess funds budget was approved after a motion by Lorraine Bakken and seconded by Bonnie Trampel.
The proposed budget for 2014 was accepted after a motion was made by Cheryl Moran and was seconded by Diane Damerow.
Soup and sandwich luncheons started March 5 and will last seven weeks.
Sandy Narverud is a delegate to the Ninth Triennial Gathering in Charlotte, N.C. July 24 to 27. Money is available for others who would like to attend.
Hymn No. 315 “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” followed by the offering prayer by Ludtke, which focused on God’s unchanging love.
•Ludtke thanked the following:
• Ushers Moran and Bonnie Trampel
• Greeters Marlene Behle and Mathison
• Hostesses chairwoman Bonnie Schneider and her committee: Phyllis Hamborg, Virginia Thompson and Trampel.
• Caring and sharing co-chairs Deloris Fligge and Karin Mattson and their committee served two funerals in January.
Ash Wednesday began on March 5. Soup and sandwich lunches will be at 11:30 a.m. at Bethany Hall. Lenten recitals will be at 12:15 p.m. in the sanctuary. Evening Lenten meals will be at 5:15 at Bethany Hall. Lenten Worship will be at 6:30 p.m. at the sanctuary.
The meeting was closed by singing the table prayer and saying the Lord’s Prayer.
The VFW Auxiliary
The Freedmond Madson Veterans of Foreign Wars No. 447 Auxiliary met at 7 p.m. Feb. 10 at the Legion Hall with President Franne Camerer presiding.
The regular ritual opening ceremonies were conducted and officers and chairperson reports were given and acted on. The secretary-treasurer Lynda Vermedahl read her reports, which were accepted.
Marcia Peterson, Betty Jones and Ruby Frederickson had attended the First District VFW meeting at Olaf B. Damm Post in Austin on Feb. 1, where the annual memorial service was held for all post and auxiliary deceased district members. From No. 447, there were six auxiliary and 28 post members remembered.
Auxiliary state president Laurie Dale from the first district was the representative. She requested that the post get its 17 delinquent members so the post would be at 100 percent.
Right now, District 1 is leading the nine districts and needs only 70 more for 100 percent. During the noon luncheon, awards were given for the top three district winners in the Voice of Democracy script writing contest. The first-place winner from Owatonna gave his speech, which was well received.
The theme for the falls W.O.D. contest is “Why Veterans are Important.”
Post and Auxiliary Legislative Day at the Minnesota state Capitol is March 17.
The VFW state convention is from June 4 to 8 in St. Cloud. The national convention will be from July 18 to 26 in St. Louis, Mo. Laurie Dale, the state auxiliary president, will give a testimonial on May 17.
The post was slated to hold a “Yellow Ribbon” benefit flea market Friday and Saturday to help veterans and their families.
Betty Jones is resigning as trustee due to health reasons. Election for the position will be at the March meeting.
Eunice Hatleli and Ruby Frederickson served lunch. Betty Jones won the door prize. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday at the Legion Hall.