Possible vote on legalizing medical marijuana delayed in Minnesota House

Published 10:02 am Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ST. PAUL — A possible Minnesota House vote on legalizing medical marijuana has been delayed for a couple of weeks.

Republican Rep. Pat Garofalo of Farmington was hoping to attach an amendment that would legalize medical marijuana to a separate health bill. But that bill has been pulled from Wednesday’s docket until after the Legislature’s Passover/Easter break that begins the next day.

Garofalo’s amendment calls for a broader medical marijuana law than Gov. Mark Dayton has said he is willing to back.

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Dayton didn’t issue a veto threat Tuesday but said legislators “have hidden behind their desks” while he strained to bridge concerns of advocates and law enforcement.

A stand-alone medical marijuana bill has stalled. Even some of those who support the cause could balk at tying it to a separate bill.