Readers already know chairman
Published 9:57 am Wednesday, April 23, 2014
I was glad to read that David Anderson finally admitted that he was the Minnesota editor to GOPUSA. But in typical GOP fashion, when caught with their hand in the cookie jar, they attack the messenger.
Yes, you are correct. It is a well-known fact here that I was for many years and am again the chairman of the Freeborn County DFL Party. I have written many letters to the editor over the years where this information was at the bottom of my name. But I don’t ever remember seeing your ties to the GOPUSA under your letters to the editor.
I guess David Anderson thinks it’s wrong that state Rep. Shannon Savick stands up for education? Shows support for our local firefighters? Works to keep our roads and bridges safe? Supports the cleanup of our local lakes and streams? I could go on and on.
The citizens of District 27A keep well informed on the issues. We are more than capable of deciding who will represent us come November. People here are getting sick and tired of outside interests trying to sway our elections.
Yes, sir, you have the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. But we also have the right to not pay any attention to you.
Arthur Anderson
Freeborn County DFL Party
Albert Lea