Scholars in nursing
Published 9:54 am Monday, May 12, 2014

The Naeve Alumni & Nurses Club awarded 10 scholarships at its annual luncheon April 26. Front row, from left, are Bryn Woodside, Jeanne (Thun) Godtland memorial recipient; Sarah Savelkoul, Alumni No. 1 recipient; and Cassidy Olson, Imogene )Johnson) Bradshaw memorial recipient. Back row, from left, are Emily Christenson, Lois (Hagen) Christensen memorial recipient; Kelsea Johnson, Alumni No. 2 recipient; Sydney Rehnelt, Evelyn (Opdahl) Stadheim memorial recipient; Megan Stark, Jennie (Nelson) Hartel memorial recipient; Malory Mattson, Marge Mutschler memorial recipient; and Molly Ness, Justine Willmert memorial recipient. Not pictured is Karin Kvam, Darlene (Follmuth) Kwam memorial recipient. Each scholarship is in the amount of $1,000 and the recipient must be entering or have completed one year of a registered nursing program. – Provided