Toddler survives 11-story fall
Published 10:26 am Tuesday, May 13, 2014
MINNEAPOLIS — A 15-month-old boy who fell 11 stories from a Minneapolis high rise is expected to survive.
Reports said doctors, family and community members are dubbing Musa Dayib “the miracle baby,” but the toddler still must recover from some very severe injuries, including fractures and a concussion. He’s in critical but stable condition.
Dr. Tina Slusher, from the Hennepin County Medical Center, said an adult may have not survived the fall but kids are more flexible and pliable. He also landed on a small patch of mulch.
Abdirizak Bihi knows the family and said the child’s mother was running errands while his father watched the boy and his 3-year-old sister. He sayidthe father had gone briefly into another room when the boy fell.