Published 9:00 am Sunday, June 15, 2014
TOPS Minnesota Chapter 979
The TOPS Minnesota Chapter 979 announces it April and May winners. Division winners were Lois Goodnature, Rose Rolands, Fern Rockwell, Keith Porter, Caroline Sorenson and Marlys Steele.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is a nonprofit weight-loss support group.
Wa Tan Ye Service Club
The June meeting was called to order by President Dorothy Wedge. Roll call was taken with seven members present.
Joann Holstad read the minutes of the last meeting. Alice Petersen read the treasurer’s report. Both were approved and placed on file. The president called for the committees for their reports. Twenty-six dollars were collected for the food shelf.
The October convention plans were discussed. The theme “Hearts and Hands Together for Service” will ideally be worked into the program.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be July 7. Janice Erdahl was the hostess for the meeting.
American Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 56 of Albert Lea met 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Post Event Center.
Bonnie Schneider, auxiliary president, called the meeting to order and the usual opening ceremonies were held. Vonnie Oftedahl, secretary, read the minutes of the April meeting. Deanne Adams, treasurer, gave her report. The reports were approved.
Committee reports were given by Children and Youth Chairman Karen Cibert. Continue to save pop tabs, moolah milk caps, box tops and soup labels. School supplies and book bags will be distributed in the fall. Donations for these items will be accepted until Aug. 25.
Education Chairwoman Ange Larson announced the two $400 scholarship recipients, Krystal Thompson and Derick Wagner. Two citizenship awards were given to Sarah Savelkoul and Zachary Lind.
National Security Chair Betty Anderson asked for coupons to be turned in. She sorts and sends these coupons to overseas troops.
Certificates for continuous membership were awarded. The awards were as follows: five 20-year, 14 30-year, two 35-year, seven 40-year, five 45-year, two 50-year, three 55-year, one 60-year and one 65-year.
Election of officers for the 2014-15 year was held. The president is Bonnie Schneider, first vice president is Maureen Stiehl, second vice president is Pat Hough, secretary is Ange Larson, treasurer is Deanne Adams, chaplain is Jenny Torgerson, sargeant-at-arms is Janet Scherb, historian is Carol Olson, junior past president is Janet Scherb and executive board members are Carol Smith and Karen Cibert. A unanimous vote was cast. Installation was 7:30 p.m. Saturday.
These recommendations from the board were approved: exchange club (flags), Ronald McDonald House, react, commander’s gift and a donation to “Retire the Post Debt.”
The auxiliary will have two fundraiser breakfasts, one on Aug. 31 and one on Nov. 30.
Carol Smith won the drawing for quarters.
A huge thank you was given to Vonnie Oftedahl for her many years as secretary.
Joyce Olson led the auxiliary in singing “God Bless America.”
Lunch was served by Bonnie Schneider and Karen Cibert.
The next meeting will be 7 p.m. Sept. 3.
Ascension Lutheran Church Women
The Ascension Lutheran Church Women of ELCA had a meeting 9:25 a.m. Monday.
Denise Sandager, co-president, gave devotions centered on Psalms 18:2. Doris Guenthner, co-president, called the business meeting to order.
Secretary’s report was given by Lorraine Schaper and placed on file. There was no treasurer’s report.
In old business, the motorized roller blinds have been put up, but there is some work to be completed yet.
A big thank-you to the quilting group for the beautiful quilts they made for the eight graduates from the church. These quilts were displayed by each graduate at the Sunday Graduation Brunch on June 1. The brunch was served by the Esther Circle.
In new business, the Good Earth Quilt Auction will be hosted Oct. 30 at the Rochester Country Golf Club. Submissions due by Aug. 1.
A thank you was read from Justin Dietz for the confirmation book.
Guest Night will be Aug. 12. The secretary will send out invitation letters and include a poster for each church to post. Jane Pearson, Guest Night chairwoman, called for salad serving and kitchen help organization. Margaret Aasen and Muriel Enger will be in charge of the registration table and name tags. Sharon Anderson will be in charge of the table decorations. Entertainment will be presented by The Saint Andrew Sisters from Austin. Doris Guenthner presented thoughts for Guest Night by quoting Colossians 3:12, “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience.”
Women’s Day at Good Earth Village will be 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. June 28. Registration is $30 per person. Call 507-346-2492 to register.
Next month’s meeting will be July 13. Doris Guenthner closed with prayer.