Prior Lake residents still dealing with flooding
Published 9:59 am Monday, July 14, 2014
PRIOR LAKE — Some residents of Prior Lake still need a boat to go to work, run errands and do other things on dry land.
Weeks have passed since June’s deluge of heavy rain. But, Judy Workman still uses her paddle boat to reach her car, which is parked about a block and a half away.
Workman said although her home is surrounded by water, the sandbags are holding and she still has electricity, running water and sewer.
Her neighbor, Julie Anderson, has more than 3,000 sand bags keeping water at bay. Anderson said sandbagging was physically draining, but it’s also difficult emotionally because her cabin has been in the family since 1954.
The local watershed district says the lake elevation is about 906 feet above sea level, which is down about four inches from 10 days ago.